(1)Mission statement
To enhance and improve the research and practice of career education, career and vocational guidance and career counseling.
1. To ensure all people have access to career education by professionals with the appropriate abilities and skills.
2. To engage in research and practice that addresses social justice issues such as the promotion of diversity, equality, and fairness in education and labor.
3.To work in cooperation with organizations, institutions, government and governmental agencies for the purpose of ensuring the implementation of high-quality career education.
4. To identify the attitude and abilities required of career education practitioners.
To encourage and support the improvement of such abilities, and the acquisition of necessary qualifications.
5. To research and develop methods to evaluate career education.
6. To participate in research, practice, and policy-making of career education in order to introduce appropriate and effective systems, methods, and tools for career education.
7. Adopt and adhere to ethical guidelines for practitioners in accordance with the Code of Ethics.
<September 2018>
The Japan Career Guidance Association was established in 1927 as the Great-Japan Vocational Guidance Association, the first organization in Japan to research and practice vocational guidance. Hence, JSSCE also traces its origins back to 1927.
[Pre-History of JSSCE]
1927 Great-Japan Vocational Guidance Association was founded
1945 Great-Japan Vocational Guidance Association was reorganized into Japan Vocational Guidance Association
[History of JSSCE]
1953 Japanese Society for Study of Vocational Guidance was founded by the member of Japan Vocational Guidance Association
(1964 Japan Vocational Guidance Association was renamed as Japan Career Guidance Association)
1978 Japanese Society for the Study of Vocational Guidance was renamed as Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (JSSCG)and became independent from Japan Career Guidance Association
2005 JSSCG was renamed as Japanese Society for the Study of Career Education (JSSCE)
1988 Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (JSSCG) hosted a seminar of International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance(IAEVG)
1994 JSSCG established the first Career counselor certificate in Japan
1994 JSSCG hosted a conference of Asian Regional Association for Vocational and Educational Guidance(ARAVEG)
2015 JSSCE hosted a joint conference of IAEVG & Asian Regional Association for Career Development(ARACD): 527 participated(including 186 overseas guests)from 38 countries
2019 A trustee of JSSCE was appointed as Vice-President of IAEVG
(3)Facts and Figures
President: Hideo Shimomura, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
Foundation: 1953
Reorganized Foundation: 1978
Members: Over 1,000 members
Regional hubs: 6
National conference: Annual (since 1979)
Publication: The Japanese Journal of Career Education,since 1980, 2 issues/ year
Committees: Journal editorial, Research, Information, Ethics, International exchanges
Organization associated with JSSCE:
International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG), Asian Regional Association for Career Development (ARACD)
1.Annual national conference
2.Organizing research seminars, study groups and lectures
3.Publication of an academic journal: The Japanese Journal of Career Education
4.Accreditation of Career counselor
5.Promotion of research and practice of members
6.Information management and circulation of member’s research and practices
7.Survey and proliferation of domestic and international literature
8.Publication of books
9.Cooperation in research and practice with organizations in Japan and abroad
10. Other projects for achieving the objectives of the society.
Latest activities
Please see JSSCE official Facebook page
トップページ > The Japanese Society for the Study of Career Education(JSSCE)